Thursday, February 21, 2013

Everythang is JUST PEACHY!

Sadly, my Just Peachy Threadless design didn't get chosen. After 4 donuts, I got over it. I'm good now. I loved it too much to see it go nowhere so I added it to my Society6 Collection of Greatness (those are my mom's words, not mine). I'm a little worried though. In high school I depicted battle scenes of gore in math class. Now I have unicorns and things that say "Just Peachy" on it. I just lost man points, didn't I? I'm ok with it. I will tell you this, in just a few hours I'll be dominating the online world in Battlefield 3 and getting my man card back (in all reality, a 9 year old kid from Kansas will probably own the heck out of me)!

Anyways, here's the link to pick up some coolness if ye like!

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