Thursday, March 22, 2012
Super Awesome!!!!
Hey folks! Sorry I couldn't get this up earlier (been a bit busy), but I've been working with the good folks at Steal This Art and they were great enough to allow me to submit a piece for sale. While I can't say this is the game that got me hooked on gaming (Coleco Vision did that), this game did rock my world. As did the sequels. Who knew, 2 Italian plumbers. Well, it's only on sale for one day, so by the time you read this, I hope you had a chance to purchase it on 3/23/12! Enjoy!!

1 up,
8 bit,
Idea Monster,
Super Mario
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Hey folks!! My Threadless Whale design was printed and is now available for purchase!! You can go buy it here - http://www.threadless.com/product/3660/Shave_the_Whales (I'm not gonna lie, I like the darker gray color, but that's just me. I'm still buying one.)

Aaaaand who else captures the spirit of YAAAAYYYYY!!!! better than Kermit?
Thanks folks!

Thursday, March 15, 2012
Spidey Update
Hello folks! Thanks for the great feedback on my Watercolor Spidey. Since I care about you greatly, I updated option 2 to have a bolder spider icon on the chest! AAAAAAAND as a second token of my appreciation, I've also posted another Spidey illustration I whipped up. The second one I did when I was exploring this concept and wasn't sure if I wanted to go cartoon-y or realistic. I obviously chose realistic, but I really liked the original sketch for this guy, which you can check out here from my Twitter feed, so I fleshed him out. Thanks and enjoy!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Sorry it's been a while since my last post! I've had much "paying the bills" work to accomplish and thankfully today was kinda slow. I was able to crank out 3 new pieces BUT I'm not going to post them all now, I've got to spread them out. Not sure when the next time I'll get to post again will be. Well, in terms of this piece, obviously I love me some comics. I've always been a Marvel fanboy and Spider-man is one of those iconic superheroes that has stood the test of time. I used the upcoming Amazing Spider-man film as my inspiration. I wanted to try something different so I got my watercolors out and cranked this guy out. It's a mix of watercolor and digital. I tried two options. Which one do you prefer?

Thanks folks! Until next time (hopefully soon!)

Thanks folks! Until next time (hopefully soon!)
Friday, March 2, 2012
Hardcorn Nerd!
Hey folks! So sorry it's been so long! Been busy with the work thing. I've posted some additional designs to Threadless, but so far, no bites. It looked like my Mini Vader was going to make it, but alas, it didn't. :(
Anyways, here's my latest design. If it doesn't make it, I'll be bummed because I want to badly to wear this guy. If you happen to like it, please do vote for it - http://www.threadless.com/submission/406211/Hardcorn_Nerd

Below is another one I recently posted, but didn't get the green light either. I really liked that one too. :(
Thanks folks!
Anyways, here's my latest design. If it doesn't make it, I'll be bummed because I want to badly to wear this guy. If you happen to like it, please do vote for it - http://www.threadless.com/submission/406211/Hardcorn_Nerd

Below is another one I recently posted, but didn't get the green light either. I really liked that one too. :(

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