Saturday, July 23, 2011

Loooong Overdue Update

I know it's been a while since I last posted (before today, since I just posted my Ghostbusters piece), so I want to make it up to you. As Mel, my wife, and I are prepping for Comic Con, I had a great idea for a piece. Well, I didn't get to it. Instead I worked on a few pieces that I've had in my head for a while. Here they are in all of their glory. I'll have to admit, I'm kinda loving the Spongebob. Enjoy!!


  1. Cripes! Lookit all this stuff!

  2. Thanks man! Coming from you it's like Bruce Lee saying "Nice kick." You only make one first impression. You've been amazing with all of the advice so far. Hope to see you there!

  3. "absorptive" a real word? Regardless, fun stuff. P.S. Your plushies are way cool in person! I saw one the other day.

  4. Absorptive - able or tending to be absorbed. Weird word, I know. Befitting of the yellow man. Thanks fo sho though! Also thanks for liking the plushie plush plush. I like to call the pre plush or future plush.

  5. Hey -- are you selling these?? These are great!!

  6. Hey there! For you, of course! Shoot me an email for info.
